Statistics of the average rent for Sherbrooke

Region Number of apartments/houses 1 Bedroom 2 Bedrooms 3 Bedrooms 4+ Bedrooms
Brompton 2 --- 1 250$ --- ---
Fleurimont 27 1 103$ 1 459$ 1 248$ ---
Jacques-Cartier 6 --- 1 583$ 1 950$ ---
Lennoxville 3 --- 1 250$ 1 150$ ---
Les Nations 13 840$ 1 050$ 1 233$ ---
Rock Forest-Saint-Élie-Deauville 52 1 522$ 1 779$ 2 111$ 2 600$
Saint-Élie-D'Orford 2 1 395$ 1 620$ --- ---