Statistics of the average rent for Lanaudière

Region Number of apartments/houses 1 Bedroom 2 Bedrooms 3 Bedrooms 4+ Bedrooms
Berthierville 3 --- 1 442$ --- ---
Charlemagne 6 --- 1 613$ 1 694$ ---
Chertsey 2 --- 1 700$ --- 1 700$
Crabtree 5 1 175$ 1 305$ 1 475$ ---
Entrelacs 1 --- 2 000$ --- ---
Joliette 32 994$ 1 460$ 1 702$ ---
L'Assomption 12 1 655$ 1 441$ 1 853$ 1 875$
L'Épiphanie 2 358$ --- --- ---
Lanoraie 2 --- 5 500$ 1 650$ ---
Lavaltrie 9 1 200$ 1 632$ 1 746$ ---
Mascouche 23 1 416$ 1 890$ 2 179$ ---
Notre-Dame-de-Lourdes 2 --- 1 450$ 1 250$ ---
Rawdon 12 850$ 1 513$ 1 601$ 2 600$
Repentigny 36 1 208$ 1 753$ 1 670$ 2 750$
Saint-Alphonse-Rodriguez 2 --- --- 1 448$ ---
Saint-Ambroise-de-Kildare 3 --- 1 363$ --- 1 950$
Saint-Barthélemy 1 --- 1 500$ --- ---
Saint-Damien 1 630$ --- --- ---
Saint-Donat 6 945$ 2 100$ 3 000$ ---
Saint-Gabriel 4 1 138$ --- --- ---
Saint-Gérard-Majella 1 --- --- 680$ ---
Saint-Ignace-de-Loyola 3 --- 1 398$ --- ---
Saint-Liguori 1 2 000$ --- --- ---
Saint-Lin-Laurentides 2 625$ 1 580$ --- ---
Saint-Paul 3 --- 1 323$ 1 295$ ---
Saint-Pierre 5 1 245$ 1 320$ 1 295$ ---
Saint-Roch-de-l'Achigan 5 --- 1 395$ --- ---
Saint-Sulpice 1 --- --- 1 395$ ---
Sainte-Geneviève-de-Berthier 2 --- --- 1 585$ ---
Sainte-Julienne 1 --- --- --- 640$
Terrebonne 100 1 580$ 1 735$ 2 253$ 2 290$