Apartment 4 1/2 / 1 chambre a louer
Rivière-des-Prairies-Pointe-aux-Trembles, Ile de Montréal
Appartement a partager dans un grand 4 1/2 à partir du 1er juillet.
800$ par mois.
Comprend 1 chambre prive pour un étudiant ou travaileur.
Location: Pointe-aux-trembles, Montreal
Commodités communes : lave-linge et sèche-linge, réfrigérateur, cuisinière et micro-ondes.
Wi-Fi et hydro inclus dans loyer.
La signature d'un bail de 1 ans est obligatoire.
�� Je recherche un ou une colocataire calme et fiable, propre de sa personne et de son environment. Qui se ramasse et qui fait sa part de menage ☺️
Vérification d'emploi et de résidence antérieure (references requises).
�� Autobus à proximité: 187 (metro Honoré beaugrand) et 86.
Pour visiter ou plus de information contact Johnathan, 438 988 0228 (lundi-vendredi 5hpm-9hpm, samedi-dimanche 9ham-9hpm)
Apartment to share in a large 4 1/2 from July 1st.
800$ monthly.
Includes 1 private room for a student or worker.
Location: Pointe-aux-trembles, Montreal
Shared amenities: washer and dryer, refrigerator, stove and microwave.
Wi-Fi and hydro included in the rent.
Signing a 1-year lease is mandatory.
�� I am looking for a calm and reliable roommate, clean in person and environment. Who picks up and does their part of cleaning ☺️
Verification of employment and previous residence (references required).
�� City bus 187 to Honoré beaugrand metro station and 86 bus stops are only 2minutes away.
To visit or for more information, contact Johnathan at 438 988 0228 (lundi-vendredi 5hpm-9hpm, samedi-dimanche 9ham-9hpm)
Details and owner contact information are available in the original listing.
See listing
Price: 800
1 Bedroom
- Electricity
- Heating
- Hot water
- Private parking
3 weeks ago
785 Rue du Colombier, Montreal, QC, Canada